Fallout 4: diablo
Fallout 4: diablo

fallout 4: diablo

Visit them on your own to receive quests direct from inhabitants, or wait for your faction to direct you to unlocking it. There are 29 settlement locations in the base version of Fallout 4. Without further ado, here are the settlement locations in Fallout 4, divided by where they appear in the main game or DLC and listed in suggested order of discovery accounting for the difficulty of nearby enemies. It's best to bring commonly used junk like gears, springs and oil with you on these quests as the settlement locations themselves may be short on these vital components until you set up trade routes.

fallout 4: diablo

If you unlock a settlement location during a radiant Faction quest, you'll often be tasked with establishing minimum viable resources and defence to complete the quest. The Minutemen and Railroad factions will often point you at settlement locations you have not yet discovered through radiant quests. While some Settlements in Fallout 4 are unlocked simply by discovering the locations and clearing out any baddies, others will require you to clear specific or radiant quests. Settlement locations is one of the most requested Fallout 4 topics we see, so here, at this very late stage, is a list of all 36 of them across the base game and DLC add-ons. Here's how to unlock them all.įallout 4 has been reissued in game of the year form, so lo and behold we've somehow found time to add to our venerable Fallout 4 guide. Fallout 4 settlements are key to bringing in caps or setting yourself up in style.

Fallout 4: diablo