Why cant i play dredge ranked on paladins
Why cant i play dredge ranked on paladins

why cant i play dredge ranked on paladins why cant i play dredge ranked on paladins

It made me forget that reveals, Khan ult and fire spit + salvo it's a thing, but mostly Broadside needs a cooldown or a rework and Scuttle a nerf. With deft hands and Scuttle you kill things faster than most supports can heal and you can be a sniper too, just spam to the sky your reload with big ass radius and hope that will hit someone and get free 1000 damage If his spam is not gonna be fixed, don't allow him to be on Ranked next patch at least, how mojo can release such a monstrosity.

why cant i play dredge ranked on paladins

You can delete everything way too quick, I don't care if he has no vertical mobility, that doesn't change the fact he is broken and one of the worse champions that they ever released. Don't need even Hurl, you can always spam Broadside to zone and to blind your opponents, and there still Hurl. You can use Scuttle and the broadside cards that gives reveal and reload speed and just spam it and with your nuke, you can kill everybody. It's like release Vivian, Dredge is so frustrating to play against and broken, plus those retards explosion spam and indicators everywhere.

Why cant i play dredge ranked on paladins